Export of coffee in small quantities
With the aim of promoting export of small quantities of coffee, the FNC has developed a simplified export procedure so that any natural person or legal entity, prior registration as a coffee exporter, can use this method with postal companies or couriers, which will be registered in the FNC system for that purpose.
- You must be registered as a coffee exporter before the FNC. Fill out the form and submit it along with the required documents to the FNC.
- Select the postal company or courier. The ones registered before the FNC are: 4-72, FedEx, DHL, UPS, Deprisa, Servientrega and TNT.
- Sign into the Coffee Portal/Online Store: portalfnc.federaciondecafeteros.org Make the export announcement and pay the coffee contribution (coffee tax).
- Green coffee: 6 ¢/lb
- Roasted coffee: 1.08 ¢/lb
- Soluble coffee: 0.48 ¢/lb
- Coffee extract: 0.36 ¢/lb
- Print the portal documents:
- Proof of payment of the coffee contribution.
- Certificate of liquidation of the coffee contribution.
- Reweight certificate.
- Other support documents
- Depending on the destination country and customer requirements, request the corresponding certificates from the competent authority: ICA, INVIMA, etc.
- Deliver the documents to the courier.
Pack the merchandise complying with all the product safety and conservation requirements.
Products that can exported
With this program, you can export the following quantities depending on the type of coffee:

Green Coffee 60 kg

Roasted Coffee 50.4 kg

Soluble coffee 23 kg

Coffee extract 23 kg

- Direct delivery to the customer or end consumer abroad.
- Simplification of the documentary process.
- Simplification of the quality control process.
- Easier payment of coffee contribution.
To comply with the quality standards for coffee export.
- Green coffee: Resolution 2 of 2016 of the National Coffee Growers Committee.
- Roasted coffee: Resolution 1 of 1999 and Resolution 4 of 2015 of the National Coffee Growers Committee.
To comply with the customs, foreign exchange and tax requirements established by Law.
- Customs: Register as an exporter before the Colombian customs authority (DIAN).
- Foreign exchange: Process the currency transfer through commercial banks or other financial entities.
- Tax: Issue an invoice and declare VAT.
If the exporter is a representative of the departmental or municipal committee, they can only export at most 720 kg of green coffee or its equivalent in processed coffee during

Coffee Portal
Sign inContact Us
Phone number: (57-1) 313 66 00 Ext. 1617 / 1556 / 1189
Email: ici.registro@cafedecolombia.com